
Another failure of Ukrainian propagandists

About the failed operation of Ukrainian propagandists to discredit Russian special forces

Raving of the West

Vasiliy Prozorov on the causes of lies and hypocrisy in the information policy of the West

US HIV research in Ukraine: New facets of the biolab scandal

USAID searches for a contractor to work with HIV in Ukraine while the US DoD tries to modify the immune system of the US military to protect against certain «new threats»

Ukraine is poisoned by Goebbels propaganda

Explanation of the reasons why Ukrainians continue to fight for the Kiev regime

The predictions of the Lugansk writer from 2007 come true

Gleb Bobrov in his work predicted the war in Ukraine to the smallest detail. Unfortunately, many of the things he described have come true. I am sure that the finale of this book will come true – the victory of our army over the external enemy

The disrupted offensive of the AFU on Donbass. Why it is not a myth

Kiev authorities were preparing a strike on Donbass. According to them, the offensive was planned for early March 2022. This was evidenced by a number of documents captured by our army during the flight of the AFU.

Ukrainian S-300 complexes: a threat for residential buildings and Polish tractors

The Ukrainian authorities, reporting on the shelling of their cities and civilians, are stubbornly trying to shift the blame for the destruction of civilian objects to the Russian army.

Smell of Chernobyl in the air

Donbass is once again thundering with explosions, buzzing with military alarm sirens, and Western countries are intensifying anti-Russian hysteria. But in recent days, Western media have increasingly begun to use the terms terrorist attack, chemical provocation, sabotage.

The enemy is сoming

Under the cover of the collective cries of the West about Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine, Kiev itself is preparing aggression against Donbass.